My friend Douglas Magnus is based in Santa Fe, New Mexico and is known for not only his silversmith work but also for photography, painting and jewelry. A real contemporary talent!
Nothing is outsourced, nothing is produced in other parts of the world, and no compromises are made in quality. The finest silver and gold stocks are used, and the turquoise featured is of the highest quality, with much of the turquoise coming from Doug’s own mines located outside of Santa Fe.
“I’ve never forgotten my first visit to the Cerrillos mines. I was captivated by both by the beauty of the panorama from atop Turquoise Hill and by the abundant evidence of early mining – trenches, piles of rubble, deep pits, collapsing portals, and bits of turquoise scattered everywhere. As I began researching the history of the mines, I realized that Cerrillos – both the gemstone and the mines – were very special.” Magnus first arranged to lease the 10-acre Castillian mine site and began digging small amounts of turquoise. Today Doug owns three of the fables mines, “Tiffany,” “Castillian,” and “Alicia Lode” (the oldest on the continent).
Santa Fe, New Mexico (where we live) is celebrating it’s 400th year anniversary. To help with the celebration Doug created the ‘Santa Fe 400 Treasure Collection’©. These commemorative medallions are authentic handmade representations of Santa Fe’s 400 years, based on colonial Spanish ‘8 reale’ coins and bullion, utilizing primitive and modern techniques, symbols and materials, including in some, rare turquoise from the ancient Cerrillos mines.
He began his career 37 years ago and is now nationally recognized as an outstanding artist.
Just because he’s a friend I thought I’d include an early photo of him. Remember when we all looked like that?
Doug’s wife Dana Waldon is an outstanding portrait photographer and you can see her work HERE.
You can learn more at Doug’s website HERE.
And I have several of Doug’s buckles at my Beal’s Cowboy Buckles store.