New AQHA Horse Test Requirement

By May 8, 2011 Competition, Horses

Von Reminic

The American Quarter Horse Association has put out a press release announcing new testing requirements for shows.

“Beginning July 1, 2011, all horses entering the grounds for any AQHA world championship show – in Oklahoma City, Amarillo or Houston – will be required to present a certificate of a negative blood test for equine piroplasmosis. The tests must have been completed in the previous six months.

“Equine piroplasmosis is a disease of horses, donkeys, and zebras that is caused by two parasitic organisms, Theileria equi and Babesia caballi, transmitted through blood. Equine piroplasmosis is transmitted by ticks as its natural vector, but this blood-borne disease can also be spread via poor management, such as reusing contaminated needles and improperly cleaned equipment such as dental or tattooing tools.

“Currently, racetracks in 11 states have testing requirements for equine piroplasmosis, and that number will increase. With the potential of an infected racehorse retiring to the show pen, the show industry is vulnerable.

“As the industry leader, AQHA needs to be vigilant and establish testing requirements to ensure that any case of equine piroplasmosis can’t be traced back to an AQHA event,” says Tom Persechino, AQHA executive director of competition and breed integrity. “We’re encouraging all exhibitors to contact their veterinarians to schedule these tests. If the tests are completed around the second week of July, that horse will be eligible to show at the youth, Select and open/amateur world without requiring another test.”

“AQHA believes that requiring a negative test at its world shows is prudent and responsible. Horses should be tested for both organisms, which requires two different tests.

“These are inexpensive tests that we don’t believe will burden our members,” Tom says.”

Go HERE for a list of approved labs for these tests. Test samples on horses arriving from an international country must be sent to the NVSL Laboratory in Ames, Iowa.

You can get more information about the disease at the USDA website by clicking HERE

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