Girls and Horses

By May 7, 2013 Cowgirls, Horses

I don’t know who posts under the name “whisperingrainsfarm” but I liked this video. You can learn about the farm by clicking HERE.

From the Mom:
“This is a video of my daughter, Montana Rain, and her friend Ashton doing what they love best. Riding Horses! Montana and Ashton ride together every chance they get. We really enjoy watching them ride and hearing them laugh and giggle the whole time.

“The horse that Montana is riding throughout the video is her horse, Blackbeard. The video starts the day we got Blackbeard when Montana was 3yrs old and it progresses to the present (4 1/2 yrs old). You can watch Montana and Blackbeard grow together in this video.

“Trouper the Mustang makes a couple appearances in this video also, as does Montana’s daddy and his horse, Jack. Also, the video ends with a picture of Montana with Templeton Thompson. Templeton Thompson is the lovely lady singing the song, “Girls & Horses,” that I used for this video.”

If you have problems seeing the video below click HERE.


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One Comment

  • Amber Rain Mathewson says:

    I just stumbled upon your sight while googling my horse Trouper the Mustang. Thank you for the lovely comments about my video. Montana is now 8yrs old and we are currently living in South Africa.
    Trouper is with my folks in Alabama still.
    Thanks for sharing my video!