Cowboys & Indians Magazine

By August 25, 2009 Cowboys, Indians, Publications


One of the best high end western magazines is Cowboys & Indians. I’ve been a subscriber and advertiser since 2002 and enjoy every issue. They have feature articles about celebrities and movie stars who are in westerns or in many cases live a western lifestyle. And there is always something about silversmiths and history and a high end western type home. My wife Kathy likes the fashion and jewelery advertisements as well as the travel and food reviews.

This is a magazine aimed at people who have money (the average reader has a net worth of $1.5 million) so it is probably not for your average cowboy (who’s net worth is probably his pickup truck). But if you like western things you should check out this magazine which is widely available on newstands – and of course you can subscribe.

The magazine editor says that “We are an international magazine of the highest quality, Cowboys & Indians encompasses everything exceptional about the American West: history and legend, hardworking people, dramatic vistas, enduring values.”

Founded in 1993 but not really well known until the early 2000s, the magazine is owned by USFR Media Group and based in Dallas, Texas. Margaret L. Brown is the Executive Director. Last year they had 159,000 subscribers (and five times as many readers).


You can go to their website HERE.

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