Cattle Drive Finished

By November 18, 2009 Cattle, Ranches


meI’ve had several emails asking how the Hunewill Ranch 100th cattle drive went.

It was one of the best cattle drives I’ve been on. Fairly decent weather, only 3 cows had to be pulled out and trailered due to health issues, a few off horse flights by drovers but no serious injuries. We moved 627 pregnant mother cows 61 miles and were very happy to be done. We even finished this year before it was totally dark!

On Saturday we spent the entire day sorting the herd into various groups and moving them to their winter pastures. At the end it was very cold and dark but we got it done. Sunday was a day off for everyone.

stameyDave Stamey and his wife Melissa rode with us on Tuesday and then provided a fabulous musical treat at the end of the day.

But the best part was visiting with a whole host of friends and neighbors who dropped by at various times to help celebrate the 100th cattle drive. What an amazing accomplishment for a ranch that is still owned by the same family.

Thanks for the interest.









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