Artist Bruce Greene

By October 23, 2011 Art, Cowboys

A great western artist is Bruce Greene.

From his website:
“Bruce and his family live on a small ranch in the historical community of Norse, near Clifton, Texas. The artist’s studio is on the edge of the hill out behind the house. From there, large north windows offer Bruce a continuous view of the Texas Hill Country, a few Hereford cows and the occasional whitetail deer. “It is a wonderful blessing to be able to make a living for my family, doing what I love in this beautiful place,” says Greene.

“Several years ago, Bruce began making annual trips to join in the spring work on the great, old JA Ranch in the Palo Duro Canyon of north Texas. “I go up there and stay on the chuck wagon with the JA hands and the neighbors that have come to help. We ride a lot of miles in rough country. It can be cold, hot, windy and wet. As a matter of fact, it can be all of these in one day. A fella’ could get lost in some of the mesquite or cedar thickets. Of course, we work a few cows on our place and help out a neighbor now and then, but the JA trip has been a real inspiration for me each year. I am absolutely sure that this experience has greatly affected my artwork. It seems necessary, to me, in order to depict the contemporary cowboy with accuracy and feeling. My good friend, Red Steagall, calls it ‘getting the dust in your nose.’ For me, that dust makes the difference.”

“Greene was elected to membership in the Cowboy Artists of America in 1993, and has served terms as Director, Vice President and president. He has been awarded the Ray Swanson Memorial Award, Gold Medal in Drawing and Other Media, Silver Medal in bronze, awarded medals in drawing, painting, sculpture and twice awarded the TCAA (Traditional Cowboy Arts Association) presented to the artist whose work best portrays a traditional cowboy subject.

“The artist is represented by galleries in, Arizona, Colorado, Texas, and Wyoming. His work is represented in several annual shows and exhibitions including the Cowboy Artists of America Exhibition at the Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix, Arizona and the Prix de West at the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.”

You can get more information at his website by clicking HERE.

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