Linda Carson and the 7MSN Ranch

By June 3, 2011 Cowgirls

There is an amazing New Mexican woman worth checking out.

Linda Carson owns and runs the 7MSN Ranch 7 miles south of Mountaintair, New Mexico. One donkey, two BLM burros, one horse, a dog, a pig – and lots of open space provide the life she really wanted.

What is interesting is the story about how she got to Nowhere.

She first worked in Washington, D.C. for the Public Broadcasting Service and then took a series of corporate jobs, eventually managing hundreds of people.

Realizing she wasn’t doing what she wanted in her words “she hatched a plan. She could quit her job, sell her house, move someplace where the cost of living was less than Washington (i.e. anywhere), buy a house with her equity, find a job making 20 grand a year, and be a heckuva lot happier than she was.

“Where should she go?”

Many of us dream about leaving our jobs and doing what we really want but few have the courage. 17 years ago Linda totally changed her lifestyle and how she did that is fascinating and very entertaining.

You can read her four part “My fairy tale…except it’s true” story by clicking HERE.

You can get more information at her website by clicking HERE.

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